Female Health Product Buyer’s Guide (updated March 2025)

Nature’s Nutrition Natural Female Libido Support Review

Produced by Nature’s Nutrition, Natural Female Libido Support is our next product up for review. On their website, it is clear that this company manufactures a very comprehensive range of supplements, and it is stated that each one is produced in a facility that follows strict cGMP guidelines, and is third party lab certified for purity and quality. So far so good. However, aside from information about the individual supplements, there was almost no further information. We find that it is always valuable to know a bit more background information about the company, such as their overall beliefs or goals, story of origin, testing methods, and whether they have based their products on actual research.

With a little more digging, we managed to uncover that Nature’s Nutrition is a one of a variety of brands owned by SilverOnyx. In and of itself, this is not necessarily something to be concerned about, but we did find it interesting that a company that produces health and beauty care products simultaneously specializes in small appliance and kitchenware products. We also picked up on various online comments from customers who were unimpressed that the company was not fully transparent with some of their facts and claims. With that in mind, we had to really rely on the formula itself when reviewing this product. Continue reading to see what we discovered.

Is Nature’s Nutrition Natural Female Libido Support Effective?

This product checks a few important boxes: it is formulated with natural ingredients only, third-party tested, and manufactured in a GMP-certified facility. To answer the essential question about whether the formula is actually effective, we now turn to the ingredients themselves. We were hopeful, seeing as the manufacturers have included a number of our key ingredients. However, we were immediately concerned when we saw that this product contains a proprietary blend, which is a clever way for brands to avoid disclosing how much of each ingredient is used in their product. In this way, they often reduce the quantity of useful ingredients in order to cut costs, negatively impacting the quality and efficacy of the product. For this reason, we believe complete transparency is the key factor when considering a supplement. Nevertheless, we continued investigating.

To their credit, Nature’s Nutrition added six essential ingredients from our key list to their formula. It contains 100mg L-Arginine to improve blood flow and promote healthy sexual function, although this is only half the quantity provided by our #1 product. It contains Panax Ginseng root, Ginkgo Biloba leaf, and Maca root, but only within the Proprietary Blend which means we have no way of knowing what the quantities are and if they are potent enough to be effective. We looked for a full spectrum of B Vitamins and were impressed to see five, together with some Vitamin A, but they were not the more metabolically active forms of the vitamins. Details such as these may seem small, but can, in fact, have a large impact on the overall effectiveness and quality of a product.

Finally, we were happy to see that this formula also contains the bioavailability enhancer BioPerine®. However, the quantity included is so miniscule, we are doubtful that it is anywhere near enough to be effective. The manufacturer has chosen to display the quantity in micrograms, so that at first glance it seems like a substantial amount. But a quick calculation reveals that, if comparing like with like, this product only has 0.5mg of BioPerine® compared to the much more effective quantity of 5mg that can be found in our #1 recommended product.

The ingredients from our list that Natural Female Libido Support does not provide at all are Fenugreek and Magnesium, and although we were impressed with the vitamin range included, it doesn’t supply any Vitamin D, shown in research to improve the production of sex hormones. The formulation does also contain a combination of other herbs and ingredients, but there is no clinical evidence to back many of them as being effective in improving women’s libido, therefore we haven’t elaborated further on these.

In addition to analyzing the active ingredients, it’s always important to look at the inactive ingredients. The longer the list of inactive ingredients, the more likely it is that there is a misunderstood or harmful substance listed there. Thankfully, Female Libido Support is made without any fillers, artificial colors, or GMO ingredients. 

While Natural Female Libido Support has a reasonably good list of ingredients, we don’t know enough about the amounts used to conclusively determine that the product will be effective, and the amounts that we do know about are not very impressive. Fortunately, we were able to find some reviews from external sources to give us deeper insight into this product. Many customers were over the moon that it helped to revive their libido. On the other hand, there were just as many people who didn’t notice any improvement at all, and others were more negative and described some side effects. Of course, it is only to be expected that results can vary between individuals.

Is Nature’s Nutrition Natural Female Libido Support Safe?

The label does not mention any negative side effects of taking this product. The company states that all of their high quality supplements have been formulated by a team of experts in science and nutrition, and manufactured following strict cGMP guidelines. They are third-party certified and their products undergo rigorous examinations, which is certainly one of the strongest indicators of a supplement’s safety levels and gives us a lot of confidence, although there is no mention of any internal testing, nor does it offer a guarantee to back their products.

As with any new supplement or diet introduced into your daily life, we always advise talking to your healthcare professional about possible contraindications of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications that you are taking. Supplements work differently for everyone and the effects vary between individuals, so it is always a good idea to run any health changes by a professional.

Approved Science Feminyl
Vitanica FemVitality
Nature’s Nutrition Libido Support
Irwin Naturals Steel-Libido
Offers a synergistic supplement-gel combo for optimal results
Contains Fenugreek extract, standardized to 50% Saponins
Contains L-Arginine to enhance arousal sensations
Contains Magnesium to reduce stress and tension
Contains Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba to increase desire and pleasure
Contains B Vitamins to optimize blood flow
Contains Maca to increase energy
Contains BioPerine® for better, faster results
Third-party tested for purity
60-day money-back guarantee


To our disappointment, there isn’t much information out there about this product or the company. We like many of the ingredients Natural Female Libido Support contains, but due to the use of a proprietary blend, we don’t know if some of them are present in sufficient amounts to be effective. The quantities that we could see did not give us reason to be optimistic, but on the other hand, many of the reviews we read were so enthusiastic that they persuaded us that this might be a quality product worth investing in.

Other factors that ultimately gave us reason to be wary include a 30-day return policy without a guarantee that a refund will be granted, no mention of internal product testing, and a lower price point that reflects a lower quality product. All of these reasons, plus the lack of a complementary gel, explain why we placed Nature’s Nutrition Natural Female Libido Support in our #3 spot rather than #2, even though a quick glance at our comparison chart suggests it would be the other way around. 

What You’ll Discover:

Which Women’s Libido Booster is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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