Female Intimacy Gel Buyer’s Guide (updated March 2025)

Information About Intimacy Gels

There are a number of reasons women may experience dryness and discomfort in intimate areas. Dryness in the vaginal area is usually a result of not enough estrogen in the body. This may manifest from hormonal changes, menopause, birth control, post-partum, or medications. Whatever the reason, we know that it may make sexual intercourse uncomfortable, and even painful. This is why it is important to find a product that will provide sufficient moisturization, as well as stimulate self-lubrication, and promote higher sexual satisfaction. A high-quality lubricant should be able to enhance sexual arousal, increase pleasure, retain vaginal moisture and reduce friction. 

Vaginal dryness is an uncomfortable issue. It can cause pain and discomfort during sex, increase the risk of vaginal infections, and lead to general physical discomfort and emotional distress. The good news is that using a moisturizing intimacy gel is a simple, effective solution for reducing and preventing symptoms of vaginal dryness. It provides a barrier of moisture between the vaginal area and anything that comes in contact with it, which helps to make sexual activities safer and more pleasurable. With a wide range of lubricants on the market, there’s something to suit everyone’s needs and preferences. Finding the right intimacy gel to combat vaginal dryness is key for women seeking overall better comfort. Our research has shown that with the correct dosage and potency of specific ingredients, you can achieve the results that you want. The bottom line is that there are feminine intimacy products that will do exactly what they say they will – you just have to find them.

Key considerations when choosing a women’s intimacy gel

There are several key elements to look out for when choosing an intimate feminine product. We prefer a product that is based on science, which makes it more reputable and gives it more credibility. Firstly, we look for the inclusion of L-Arginine. This ingredient increases blood flow by widening the arteries. By doing so, the entire intimate area is stimulated, thereby enhancing sexual arousal and pleasure. Ideally, a moisturizing lubricant would include Niacinamide as this ingredient works synergistically with L-Arginine when applied topically. These two ingredients together improve blood circulation to stimulate the body’s own lubricating mechanisms which in turn improves vaginal dryness. When searching for a high-quality moisturizing intimacy gel, we look for ingredients that will promote moisture and hydration to the vaginal area. For this purpose, we look for the inclusion of Watermelon and Quinoa. These two ingredients help to lubricate the tissue and control dryness. Then to make an all-round multi-action product, we also look for Sodium Lactate or Lactic Acid. This beneficial addition helps control pH levels in the vaginal area, protecting it from potential infections and harm. 

In our opinion, the benefits of using a water-based lubricant out-weigh those of others, such as oil-based. Water-based lubricants have a number of advantages. Firstly, they mimic the body fluids, making it feel more natural. Secondly, water-based products are safe to use with condoms and won’t break them down. They also will not leave stains.

When choosing a moisturizing lubricant, you should look for a company with a strong reputation that sells a wide range of products geared towards better quality of life. An effective product will be formulated using high-quality ingredients, be GMP-certified, and made in an FDA-approved facility. Many manufacturers make grand promises of increased pleasure, only for you to find out later that there is no real change and you are left with an empty bottle, empty purse, and empty promises. Don’t be dismayed – there are some that really do work – you just need to find a legitimate product.

If you come across a company selling intimacy gels using strong marketing terms or slogans, or if they are endorsed by famous celebrities, you should stay clear. If the company and product formula don’t speak for themselves, then nothing else should.

What makes a women’s intimacy gel effective?

The secret is simply in the formula! The right doses of clinically-proven ingredients plus third-party testing for purity and safety have been shown to be essential for an ideal moisturizing lubricant.

Should you decide that an intimacy gel is for you, and you would like to try a top-quality product, check out our reviews for a number of quality moisturizing lubricants that are currently available on the market. We examined numerous products for their ingredients, consumer feedback, business reputation and more, in order to help you discover which products are the real deal. No more guesswork. We have done all the hard work for you – your search for answers is over! Our recommended choice stands above and beyond the competition and we think you will agree. The company’s excellent reputation, high-quality product, and external independent monitoring and testing are enough to earn the highest ranking. When you consider all of those factors and the incredible money-back guarantee, Approved Science Vaginyx becomes a product that you are going to want to take a closer look at.

Rating: Excellent


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Editor’s Choice

Approved Science Vaginyx Gel Review

If you want to try a powerful moisturizing lubricant to boost sexual pleasure and combat vaginal dryness, Approved Science Vaginyx Gel is the product that is most likely to get you the desired results. Of all the intimacy gels for women currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and, very likely, the one that will change your life for the better!

It contains the highest quality, clinically-proven natural ingredients in the correct potency to promote increased  sexual satisfaction and decreased vaginal dryness. It was the only product we found that contains ALL the key ingredients on our must-have list in one easy-to-use formula. Vaginyx contains L-Arginine and Niacinamide to boost blood flow to intimate areas which stimulates sexual arousal and natural lubrication. It also contains Watermelon extract and Quinoa extract to increase hydration and moisture. It also contains Sodium Lactate which supports an optimal pH environment in the vaginal area, and helps protect against harmful bacteria. Essentially, this product ticks all the boxes for an effective female intimacy support lubricant.

Quality: Vaginyx contains high-grade, natural, clinically-verified ingredients. It does not contain any additives or preservatives and is 100% safe to use. Approved Science’s commitment to the health industry is excellent – all of their products are manufactured in an FDA-approved facility with cGMP certification.

Reputation: Approved Science’s reputation is outstanding. They are well known in the industry and are an established company that provides great customer service, secure and easy checkout as well as prompt, efficient delivery. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers!

Bottom Line: If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for an effective moisturizing lubricant that comes from an established, reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, then this is the product for you.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Vaginyx Gel is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See the full review


Rating: Good



Kindra Daily Vaginal Lotion Review

Kindra is a company with a mission to empower women while they experience the hormonal changes that accompany menopause. The company specializes in plant-powered, estrogen-free products that aim to help women care for their bodies in a natural and safe way. We appreciate their gentle and holistic approach to women’s health and one of the reasons this product succeeded in making our #2 spot. 

The Daily Vaginal Lotion is one of the wide variety of products they sell that focuses on women’s health. It is promoted as a lightweight, ultra-hydrating lotion to help soothe vaginal dryness, support low libido, and ease painful sex. It can also be applied up to 2 hours before intercourse to help with any discomfort that may occur as a result of vaginal dryness. 

This product is manufactured in an FDA-registered manufacturing facility and undergoes third-party lab testing in the US. We like that it is free of any potential hormone-disrupting parabens and artificial fragrances that can lead to irritation. It is also certified cruelty-free and has a 30-day money-back guarantee. Read our full review before you buy for a thorough list of pros and cons regarding the Daily Vaginal Lotion.

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK




They Call Her Alfie Love Gel Review

They Call Her Alfie Love Gel is our third product up for review. Alfie Love Gel creates intimate wellness products formulated by board-certified doctors. It is marketed as an aphrodisiac-packed gel, formulated to enhance sexual activity. It also claims to boost blood flow and rejuvenate vaginal tissue. 

This product contains Arginine HCl, similar to L-Arginine, one of our must-have ingredients, which helped it propel to our #3 spot. However, the majority of the ingredients are not what we would consider effective for a women’s intimacy product. While they do list the ingredients in their product on their website, they don’t give any more information, which doesn’t give us much confidence in the decision to have these ingredients in this formula. 

We did appreciate that Alfie Love Gel is produced in the USA and uses non-GMO, paraben-free, and non-toxic ingredients, but they do not mention if it is manufactured in a facility that follows strict cGMP guidelines. They do however state that Love Gel has been independently tested for potency, heavy metals, pesticides, and residue solvents. It is also worth noting that they only have a standard 30-day return policy for unused products. A money-back guarantee would be preferable and show that the company really stands behind their product. Continue reading our full review to see if this product is worth your money.

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which women’s intimacy gel is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Bottle
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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