Female Intimacy Gel Buyer’s Guide (updated March 2025)

They Call Her Alfie Love Gel Review

They Call Her Alfie Love Gel is our third product up for review. Alfie Love Gel creates intimate wellness products formulated by board-certified doctors. It is marketed as an aphrodisiac-packed gel, formulated to enhance sexual activity. It also claims to boost blood flow and rejuvenate vaginal tissue. 

This product contains Arginine HCl, similar to L-Arginine, one of our must-have ingredients, which helped it propel to our #3 spot. However, the majority of the ingredients are not what we would consider effective for a women’s intimacy product. While they do list the ingredients in their product on their website, they don’t give any more information, which doesn’t give us much confidence in the decision to have these ingredients in this formula. 

We did appreciate that Alfie Love Gel is produced in the USA and uses non-GMO, paraben-free, and non-toxic ingredients, but they do not mention if it is manufactured in a facility that follows strict cGMP guidelines. They do however state that Love Gel has been independently tested for potency, heavy metals, pesticides, and residue solvents. It is also worth noting that they only have a standard 30-day return policy for unused products. A money-back guarantee would be preferable and show that the company really stands behind their product. Continue reading our full review to see if this product is worth your money.

Is They Call Her Alfie Love Gel Effective?

This product has a number of stand-out points: it is formulated with natural ingredients, is third-party tested, and is free from GMOs and parabens. To answer the essential question of whether the formula is actually effective, we now turn to the ingredients themselves. We were hopeful, seeing as the manufacturers have included Arginine HCl. However, we were less impressed by the other ingredients in this formula. They also state that their products are free of artificial fragrances, however, they have Fragrance (Parfum) on their ingredient list, which can cause irritation and can be especially problematic for those with sensitive skin. We also dislike that the website doesn’t give much information about the ingredients in their formula. We believe that complete transparency is the key factor when considering an intimacy product. Nevertheless, we continued investigating. 

Alfie’s Love Gel saving grace is their inclusion of Arginine HCl in their formula, which studies show can help boost oxygen and blood flow to increase sensitivity, as well as aid vaginal dryness. We would have preferred to see pure L-Arginine, since Arginine HCl is inferior and more acidic compared to L-Arginine. Alfie’s Love Gel does contain Fenugreek, which, although is not on our must-have list, is nonetheless known to help improve sexual arousal and can also improve vaginal atrophy symptoms. However, it is hard to say whether there is a significant enough amount included to be effective. It also contains Sodium Hyaluronate, which could be effective for relieving vaginal dryness, but again, it is quite low down on the ingredient list. Details such as these may seem small, but can, in fact, have a large impact on the overall efficiency and quality of a product. 

The ingredients from our list that Alfie’s Love Gel does not provide at all are Watermelon Extract, Niacinamide, and Sodium Lactate. These ingredients are not only beneficial to lubricate, but can also be applied to help relieve vaginal dryness, and reduce the risk of bacterial infections. The formulation contains a combination of other ingredients, but there is not much clinical evidence to back many of them as being effective in a women’s intimacy product, therefore we haven’t elaborated further on these.

It is also important to mention that Alfie’s Love Gel contains oils which can degrade and weaken latex, causing an increased risk of latex condom breakage. This is something that should be considered when choosing ingredients for an intimacy gel, as well as something that a company should be transparent about on their website to help consumers make an informed decision. 

While Alfie’s Love Gel contains some effective ingredients, we aren’t convinced by the rest of them to conclusively determine whether the product will be effective. Fortunately, we were able to find unbiased reviews from external sources to give us a deeper insight. Many customers were over the moon that it helped provide extra stimulation. On the other hand, there were also many customers who did not feel like this product made much of a difference. A few reviews were more negative and described some side effects such as irritation and burning. Of course, it is only to be expected that results can vary between individuals.

Is They Call Her Alfie Love Gel Safe?

The label does not mention any negative side effects of using this product. They do not mention if their products are manufactured following strict cGMP guidelines, but their ingredients are third-party checked to ensure purity and safety. They also don’t have a guarantee to back their products, which doesn’t instill us with much confidence. 

As with any new product, if you are not sure about the ingredients, we always advise talking to your healthcare professional about possible contraindications of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications that you are taking. Products work differently for everyone and the effects vary between individuals, so it is always a good idea to run any health changes by a professional.

Approved Science Vaginyx Gel
Kindra Daily Vaginal Lotion
They Call Her Alfie Love Gel
Astroglide Liquid
Contains L-Arginine to increase sexual arousal
Contains Niacinamide to promote blood flow to intimate areas
Contains Watermelon and Quinoa extracts to increase lubrication
Contains Sodium Lactate to optimize pH environment
Water-based formula
No artificial fragrance or parabens
cGMP Certification
Third-party tested for purity
Money-back guarantee


To our disappointment, there isn’t much information out there about this formula and the ingredients chosen. We can get on board with a few of the ingredients that Alfie’s Love Gel contains, but they could have used more superior ingredients when formulating this product. We did like that the ingredients are GMO- and paraben-free, but on the other hand, including an oil-based ingredient in a women’s intimacy product is not something we would recommend. Nonetheless, many of the reviews we read were so enthusiastic that they persuaded us that this might be a quality product worth investing in. 

Other factors that ultimately gave us reason to be wary include a 30-day return policy without a guarantee that a refund will be granted, plus no mention of following cGMP guidelines during the manufacturing process. All of these reasons explain why we placed Alfie’s Love Gel down in our #3 spot.


What You’ll Discover:

Which women’s intimacy gel is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Bottle
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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